The Solti Foundation U.S. Announces 2024 Career Assistance Awards
18 emerging conductors between the ages of 24 and 36 have been selected for this year’s cohort
The Solti Foundation has been providing assistance to early career conductors since its founding in 1998. Announced by its Board Chair Penny Van Horn and Artistic and Awards Committee Chair Elizabeth Buccheri, 18 conductors have been chosen for its 2024 Career Assistance Award (CAA).
Among them, six of the conductors are receiving recognition from the Foundation for the first time, and 10 of the awardees have management representation.
The 2024 recipients are:
- Nathan Blair
- Elias Brown
- Austin Chanu
- Maurice Cohn
- Conner Gray Covington
- Michelle Di Russo
- Nathaniel Efthimiou
- Stefano Flavoni
- Kyrian Friedenberg
- Taichi Fukumura
- Gerald Karni
- Andrew J. Kim
- Benjamin Manis
- Jacob Niemann
- Tristan Rais-Sherman
- Euan Shields
- Matthew Straw
- William Garfield Walker
“The recipients of the 2024 Career Assistance Awards certainly are a group to watch,” Van Horn said in the press release. This year’s applicants have diverse interests and backgrounds, a wide age range — from 24 to 36, and work throughout the United States and abroad. It is exciting to see a group of young musicians who are passionately dedicated to their chosen art form and truly excited by classical music and what it offers.
“Of the 50 applications received this year, only five were from women conductors,” Buccheri added. “The Solti Foundation U.S. believes in supporting young American conductors — citizens or permanent residents of the United States, 36 years of age or younger, who are career-ready artists in the field of conducting are eligible to apply. We hope to see more women applying in the future.
“Looking at the award recipients, there are so many posts and fellowships to be found in this group!” Buccheri continued. “The energy each of these conductors have for this incredible field is simply thrilling! Congratulations to you all, and we look forward to watching as your careers continue to expand!”
For more on each of the awardees, click here.
The Solti Foundation U.S. is the foremost organization in the country dedicated exclusively to helping young conductors through various programs to help further their careers. The organization, which was first founded in the UK, also presents a $300,000 The Sir Georg Solti Conducting Award and The Elizabeth Buccheri Opera Residency Program; citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. who are career-ready artists in the field of conducting are eligible to apply.
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